Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood (PS3) review

Before the release of Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, fans were concerned that it would be more like an overpriced expansion to Assassin’s Creed II than a full game in its own right, due mainly to the short time span between the two titles’ launches and the assumption that Brotherhood’s new multiplayer modes would eat up what little development time there was.  But was this actually the case?  As usual, this review will assume you’ve completed the main series up to this point (AC1 and ACII, click for my reviews) for plot and gameplay purposes. Read more of this post

InFamous 2 (PS3) review

Everybody loves sequels!  Well, except those who didn’t like the first game, of course.  At any rate, InFamous 2 is a direct storyline sequel to the first game, so I strongly recommend playing InFamous 1 before reading this review due to spoiler content.  This review will concentrate on how InFamous 2 is different from its predecessor without reiterating the basics.  If you’d like a reminder or are simply curious about the series, please see my InFamous 1 review here. Read more of this post

InFamous (PS3) review

The camera sits still, showcasing the outskirts of a park in a reasonably peaceful-looking city.  People walk past going about their day-to-day lives; your only indication that this is more than some creepy spy setup is the instruction to “press start” displayed on-screen.  When you do so, a massive explosion upsets the landscape from off-screen, and you’re immediately thrust into the world of InFamous. Read more of this post