Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood (PS3) review

Before the release of Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, fans were concerned that it would be more like an overpriced expansion to Assassin’s Creed II than a full game in its own right, due mainly to the short time span between the two titles’ launches and the assumption that Brotherhood’s new multiplayer modes would eat up what little development time there was.  But was this actually the case?  As usual, this review will assume you’ve completed the main series up to this point (AC1 and ACII, click for my reviews) for plot and gameplay purposes. Read more of this post

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (Xbox360) Review

While the world of Warhammer may not be a household name, nearly everyone is familiar with the concept of a space marine, whether through popular video games like the Halo franchise or the Starcraft games.  In Relic’s newest third-person action game, the focus is brought back to the lore progenitor’s universe to remind everyone how a real space marine should be.

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Assassin’s Creed II (PS3) review

Assassin’s Creed may have been met with mixed reviews, but it still sold extremely well.  This and the fact that the story was designed for sequels made Assassin’s Creed II an inevitability.  What’s amazing is just how much they improved upon the original title.  For plot and gameplay reasons, this review will assume you’ve already played Assassin’s Creed 1.  If you’re interested in the series, I advise starting from the beginning, a review for which can be found here. Read more of this post

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (PS3) review

Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Batman, and Harry Potter.  If asked what all of these popular IP’s have in common, one who was in the know might well answer “Lego licensed video games!”  That person would be quite correct, in following, to point out that Pirates of the Caribbean has joined the ranks of the block people.  That person might not even be amiss in saying that the Pirates have managed to star in the best “Lego (insert license here)” video game to date. Read more of this post

Portal 2 (PS3) review

Portal 2

The cake is a lie.  After Valve released the original Portal in The Orange Box in 2007, the phrase became readily available on the lips of gamers and their cohorts all over the world.  Seemingly everyone knew GLaDOS and how she forced Chell to work her way through a grueling gauntlet of tests before trying to kill her.  With such an incredible first outing, it can be easy to see why skeptics began baring their teeth at the mention of a full-length adventure with the same unique gameplay mechanics.  Were the skeptics’ fears valid, or has Portal 2 managed to knock it out of the park yet again? Read more of this post

Crysis 2 (Xbox 360) review

In Crytek’s newest entry to the series, we once again grab a rifle and don a nanosuit to take the fight to the squid-like ceph.

Players take on the role of “Alcatraz,” a marine who ends up in the nanosuit after his squad is hit by an alien attack.  Through a wild series of events, Alcatraz is led all over a destroyed New York City in an effort to unravel a couple of plot lines and stop the ceph invasion. Read more of this post

Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (PS3) review

Contrary to what the title might lead you to believe, Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is technically the fourth title in the series, due to the updated release of The Complete Saga.  Awkward numbering (a long-standing issue with Star Wars anyway) aside, does the game hold up to the standard set by its predecessors? Read more of this post